
Wisdom Teeth Removal

We offer a variety of different ways to help you relax for Wisdom Teeth extractions
Wisdom teeth are the third molars located at the very back of the upper and lower jaw. They earn their name because they usually erupt in the mouth when a person is about 17 to 21 years old. As the last teeth to emerge, there is often not enough space left to accommodate them.
Improper growth and overcrowding of wisdom teeth can cause various dental problems. That’s why dentists recommend extracting them early on, before they have serious effects on your oral health.
You might need to get your wisdom teeth removed if you experience any of the following symptoms:

If your dentist has recommended that you have your wisdom teeth removed, don’t worry! The procedure is no scarier than any other oral treatment done at Olive Tree. If you are nervous about visiting the dentist for the extraction, we offer various services and procedures, including sedation, to ensure you feel comfortable. We also offer laughing gas or nitrous oxide to help you relax during the procedure. Our experienced team has helped many patients with wisdom teeth extractions and performed different types of extractions with various levels of sedation.

Benefits Of Sedation For Wisdom Teeth Removal

It’s essential to have your wisdom teeth or molars checked, even if you don’t experience any pain or discomfort. As we age, the space in our mouths continues to expand, and problems such as infections or cysts may arise with our wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth removal treatment typically involves the use of sedatives and offers multiple benefits.

Removes Gag Reflex:

Dental treatments can be challenging when a patient has a strong gag reflex, which is not easily neutralized by local anesthesia. Sedation is an effective way to minimize or even eliminate the gag reflex, enabling dentists to focus on oral procedures such as wisdom tooth removal.

Allows complex dental procedures:

Dental procedures can range from simple, single-visit treatments to complex procedures requiring multiple appointments. For extensive and complex dental treatment procedures, sedation is often used to make these processes more manageable.
Oral treatments, such as wisdom teeth extractions, can take as little as 40 minutes or extend to several hours. Sitting in a dental chair for prolonged periods can be an unpleasant experience. Sedation makes lengthy and complex dental procedures more bearable for most patients.
complex dental procedures
anxiety and fear during teeth removal

Removes anxiety and fear:

For some people, dental treatments can trigger severe anxiety. The sight of dental tools alone can make them feel scared and apprehensive. Local anesthesia is often insufficient to calm them down. Dentists often choose sedation to manage the treatment processes for patients with dentophobia, or dental fear.

Improves quality of care:

Dentists perform best when their patients are calm and comfortable. Light sedation can soothe an anxious or distressed patient, enabling dentists to focus fully on the treatment process without any distractions. Wisdom teeth extraction or removal is required in almost 90% of cases. As you age, extractions can become more complicated and may lead to various complications.

If you experience discomfort or pain in the posterior region of your mouth, we recommend seeking professional dental help without delay. If you feel worried or anxious about the extraction procedure, we recommend removing your wisdom and molar teeth under sedation, such as laughing gas or other methods. Our team will be able to remove your wisdom teeth with minimal discomfort.


Types Of Sedation in Dentistry

Several types of sedation are used in dentistry depending on the anxiousness of patients
and the severity of oral treatment processes.

Laughing Gas

Laughing gas, also known as nitrous oxide, is a safe sedation option for both children and adults. It allows patients to remain awake and aware of their surroundings during dental treatment. Nitrous oxide sedation is often recommended for individuals with severe anxiety to help them relax in the dental chair during oral procedures. During nitrous oxide sedation, a mask is placed gently over the patient’s nose.
Laughing gas is a fast-acting sedative that takes only a few minutes to take effect. Unlike other types of sedation used in dentistry, the effects of laughing gas wear off quickly, allowing you to drive home or return to work soon after your dental treatment.

Additionally, laughing gas has lower risks compared to other sedation methods. The side effects of laughing gas typically disappear once the mask is removed. Nitrous oxide sedation is suitable for all types of dental treatments, from routine teeth cleanings to more complex procedures like root canals.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation in dentistry is a medical procedure that involves the administration of sedative drugs via the oral route. This method is also known as pill sedation. Oral sedation is one of the three sedation methods that dentists use to minimize pain sensations and help patients calm down during dental procedures.
Unlike other forms of sedation, such as nitrous oxide and intravenous (IV) sedation, oral sedation involves taking a pill in the hours leading up to the appointment. These pills can make people feel drowsy but not enough to fall asleep.
Oral sedatives are a popular form of anesthesia in dentistry. While they typically make patients drowsy, some individuals may become groggy enough to fall asleep. However, they can still be gently awakened.

Frequently Asked Questions

It mainly depends on the complexity of wisdom teeth. If your wisdom teeth are deeply affected, you may need more sedation than you would if the problems caused by wisdom teeth were in the initial stages. With increased sedation, people usually do not stay awake during the teeth extraction procedures.
On average, wisdom teeth surgery can be completed in a single appointment and require 40 to 45 minutes. But in some complex cases, the surgical process might drag to a few hours.
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