Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Dental Crown


Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Dental Crown

Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Dental Crown By Olive Tree Dental

Dental Crowns are tooth shaped caps, an effective solution for restoring the natural teeth function and improving the smile. Often, dentists suggest your crown, and you might think about what type is suitable for you, how complex the dental crown procedure is, etc. You do not need to worry as we will uncover some useful information to answer your questions.

Who needs Dental Crowns?

How do you know that you are eligible for the dental crown? The expert dentists of Olive Tree clinic indicate when a patient visits the medical facility. The medical officer evaluates the patient’s oral health and suggests the treatment accordingly. Sometimes a patient requires a filling, and no other procedure is suggested. Below are general cases that require you to get a crown:
Needs Dental Crowns

Who needs Dental Crowns?

How do you know that you are eligible for the dental crown? The expert dentists of Olive Tree clinic indicate when a patient visits the medical facility. The medical officer evaluates the patient’s oral health and suggests the treatment accordingly. Sometimes a patient requires a filling, and no other procedure is suggested. Below are general cases that require you to get a crown:
Needs Dental Crowns

Dental crown procedure:

The procedure depends on the type of crown that dentists suggested. In the case of a permanent crown, the patient has to visit a medical facility twice or thrice. If the patient requires a temporary, same-day crown, he has to visit once. Below is the procedure for permanent crowns
It is an effective treatment, and you can see the effect of dental crowns before and after the procedure. When the dentist suggests a crown, you start thinking about the cost and Material. Below we will let you know about the types of Material and their advantages.

Gold Crowns

A combination of copper and metal forms the gold crown. The expert dentists of Olive Tree dental indicate gold crown is famous due to its lasting durability and effectiveness. However, people hesitate from the gold crown as their color does not match with natural teeth color. Below are the pros and Cons of Gold crowns



Porcelain crown:

Widely used crown these days, and it is made with pure porcelain

Porcelain to fast Material:

Porcelain to fast Material usually preferred by patients due to their strength and aesthetics

Zirconia Crowns:

Zirconia Crowns are made combining metal strength and porcelain crowns aesthetics. These crowns are ideal for the long term and are recommended by dentists.

Lithium Disilicate Crowns:

Over time dentistry has been involved, and new techniques of crowns have been introduced. Lithium Disilicate Crowns are one of them. In modern-day dentistry, the crown is called E-Max, light and thin crown.

Cost of Dental Crown:

Hope you have a clear idea about the crow, procedure and their advantages/disadvantages. You might be thinking about the cost of the procedure as well. The expert Dentists of Olive Tree Clinic indicate crown procedure cost relies on several factors: Material used and state in which treatment is in process. Moreover, a core-build up is sometimes required to prepare teeth for crown placement. Therefore, it is an extra procedure, and the cost charged will be separate from a dental crown.
Often patients’ teeth are in such rough shape that it requires a root canal before the procedure. Therefore, dental crown costs double as the dentist has to perform a separate procedure to prepare the tooth for the crown. A general estimate about the Cost Of A Dental Crown ranges from $1300-$2500. The cost depends on how much your insurance policy covers and what your dentist’s fee is. If you are on a budget and want a cost-friendly solution, you should go for resin material as it costs around $400-$500. It is an effective restoration, but your dentist has to prepare it, as he cannot send it to the lab. Although, it is a cost-friendly solution and does not cause any allergy to patients. However, it also comes with its disadvantages, like resin material is a temporary solution and does not last for long.
Moreover, you have to take care of your oral habits like brushing, flossing, and avoiding chewing hard foods and sugary beverages.
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